On 09/09/2013 3:23 PM, Luis Rodr?guez wrote:> Dear R-devel,
> I am a relative novice in R, but I am eager to post a new package my group
developed in CRAN, but I am stumped by a set of documentation related warnings
created by R CMD check.
> So, my current plan is to recreate the documentation by religiously
applying and modifying the skeleton codes that can be generated by R. In the
meantime, I thought I'd post to the discussion group to see if maybe someone
with more experience had some useful advice. Below you'll see a snippet of
the key documentation warnings that we are stumped on.
> lagSelect and mod are functions created by my group, as is commcorrelogram.
My belief is that they are clearly documented, but I suspect that our novice
source code and documentation is not quite hitting what R CMD check is looking
This message usually indicates that you don't have the relevant \alias{}
defined correctly. If you do, please post the top of one or two of the
Rd files, and we can tell you what's missing. (I'd like to see at least
the \alias{} and \usage{} sections.)
Duncan Murdoch
> If anyone has advice on how to pass R CMD check, it would be greatly
> ~luis
> ***
> * checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING
> Undocumented code objects:
> ?lagSelect? ?mod?
> Undocumented S4 classes:
> ?commcorrelogram?
> Undocumented S4 methods:
> generic 'mod' and siglist 'commcorrelogram'
> generic 'plot' and siglist 'commcorrelogram,missing'
> ***
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