"On CRAN servers" or ""R CMD check --as-cran"? I
assume you mean the
former. The way I do it is "the other way around", i.e. to condition
on running locally or not such that the default is not to run or to
run a smaller test case:
if (Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_FULL_") == "") {
# Default/no test
} else {
# Full test
Note, _R_CHECK_FULL_ is inspired by the other _R_CHECK_*_ flags, but
it's not an official one. Since the CRAN servers don't define
_R_CHECK_FULL_, you can be fairly sure this works as you want. Making
assumptions on which flags CRAN use at any time/in the future is a
much harder task.
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 7:28 AM, Spencer Graves
<spencer.graves at structuremonitoring.com> wrote:> Hello:
> What is the recommended procedure for skipping long tests in "R
> check --as-cran"?
> Some time ago, after a discussion on this list, I added the following
> function to the fda package:
> CRAN <- function (x = "_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_") {
> x. <- Sys.getenv(x)
> nchar(as.character(x.)) > 0
> }
> However, it does not seem to be working with R 3.0.1. I know this,
> because the time to compute the examples in findFn.Rd in the sos package
> not drop after I wrapped all the examples in the following:
> if(!CRAN()){
> ...
> }
> Thanks,
> Spencer
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