On Feb 29, 2012, at 12:37 PM, Spencer Graves wrote:
> Hello, All:
> What can people tell me about converting back slashes to forward
slashes in character strings?
That's it's trivially done with
gsub("\\", "/", x, fixed=TRUE)
Where x is the character string (and I suppose you are aware of it since you are
using it below).
The rest of this e-mail makes absolutely no sense to me -- what exactly are you
taking about? What else do you want to achieve?
> Several years ago, Prof. Ripley provided a solution, which I lost and
have not been able to find.
> Below please find a function to do this. I do not find this very
satisfactory, however, because it uses "scan" and therefore operates
on an input not a character string. Unless someone suggests something better, I
plan to add this to the "sos" package and issue a new release very
soon. (The new release is needed, because the RSiteSearch capability has been
modified in a way that breaks the current "findFn" core of
> Thanks,
> Spencer
> back2forwardslash <- function (nmax = 1, pattern = "\\",
replacement = "/") {
> x <- scan(what = character(), quote = pattern, nmax = nmax)
> x. <- gsub(pattern, replacement, x, fixed = TRUE)
> paste(x., collapse = " ")
> }
> (x <- back2forwardslash())
> c:\Users\
> # nmax must be one more than the number of embedded blanks
> (x3 <- back2forwardslash(3))
> c:\u\a b\c d
> --
> Spencer Graves, PE, PhD
> President and Chief Technology Officer
> Structure Inspection and Monitoring, Inc.
> 751 Emerson Ct.
> San Jos?, CA 95126
> ph: 408-655-4567
> web: structuremonitoring.com
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