Dear r-devel list members,
To answer my own question, replacing <<- with explicit assign()s seem to
do the trick.
As well, the quickly written function that I posted had a couple of problems
(and may well have more, though the version posted below works on the packages I
tried); here's an improved version:
----------- snip -----------
findGlobals <- function(filein="00check.log",
checklog <- readLines(filein)
whichline <- which(grepl("checking R code for possible problems .*
NOTE", checklog))
checklog <- checklog[-(1:whichline)]
whichline <- which(grepl("checking Rd files", checklog))
checklog <- checklog[-(whichline:length(checklog))]
globals <- gsub(".*no visible binding for global variable[ ]*",
"", checklog)
globals <- gsub(".*no visible global function definition for[
]*", "", globals)
globals <- gsub(".*no visible binding for '<<-'
assignment to[ ]*", "", globals)
globals <- globals[globals != ""]
globals <- sub("^ *", "", globals)
globals <- sub(" *$", "", globals)
whichentries <- which(grepl(":", globals))
if (length(whichentries > 1)) globals <- globals[-whichentries]
globals <- gsub(".* ", "", globals)
globals <- unique(globals)
cmd <- paste("if (getRversion() >= '2.15.1')
paste(globals, collapse=", "), "))",
cmd <- strwrap(cmd)
writeLines(cmd, fileout)
----------- snip -----------
On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 11:51:55 -0400
"John Fox" <jfox at> wrote:> Dear r-devel list members,
> By placing a call to the new (with R 2.15.1) globalVariables() in the
development version of the Rcmdr package, I've succeeded in reducing the
"notes" produced by R CMD check from dozens to two. But I still get
the following notes, even though '.commander.done' is in the call to
> ------------- snip ------------
> * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
> Commander: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
> (C:/Users/John Fox/workspace/Rcmdr/R/commander.R:653)
> closeCommander: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
> '.commander.done' (C:/Users/John
> Fox/workspace/Rcmdr/R/file-menu.R:142)
> ------------- snip ------------
> Is there a way to get rid of these notes (without, of course, removing the
<<- assignments)?
> Finally, here's a rough function that I used to compose the
globalVariables() command from the package check summary; it's probably not
bullet-proof, but perhaps others will find it useful for packages, like the
Rcmdr, that currently generate many notes about global variables:
. . .
> Any help would be appreciated.
> John
> ------------------------------------------------
> John Fox
> Sen. William McMaster Prof. of Social Statistics
> Department of Sociology
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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