R devel - Feb 2012

Wednesday February 29 2012
7:11PM 0 Alternative to .Internal(.dfltStop(msg, call))?
5:37PM 1 Replace back slashes with forward slashes?
12:36PM 1 missing value break my if clause and crash my program
2:13AM 1 Typo in NEWS: -as-cran should be --as-cran
Tuesday February 28 2012
7:43PM 0 Fetching email in R (IMAP)
10:04AM 1 Unexpected behaviour for RowSideColors in function heatmap
Monday February 27 2012
4:41PM 0 Conflict from saved implicit generics in methods package for rcond, norm, backsolve
9:59AM 1 Identical copy of base function
Sunday February 26 2012
5:19PM 0 Comments on R_exts section 1.6.6, Namespaces with S4 classes and methods
6:39AM 1 improved error message when existing implicit S4 generic is not imported?
Saturday February 25 2012
6:16PM 1 Unexpected behavior in factor level ordering
Friday February 24 2012
10:24AM 1 function remains loaded in the search space after detaching the package
Thursday February 23 2012
6:06PM 0 RcppProgress: progress monitoring and interrupting c++ code, request for comments
8:14AM 1 R devel [and R 2.14.1 patched]: R CMD build now sources ~/.Rprofile
Wednesday February 22 2012
8:23AM 3 OpenMP and random number generation
Tuesday February 21 2012
9:57PM 1 prior.weights and weights()
7:20PM 1 tempdir() documentation or real bug ?
6:29PM 0 Loading externally created LIBSVM model into R.
4:13PM 1 Why cant my S4 class have a slot named `C`?
12:58PM 6 Jazzing up the Task Views index page
11:07AM 1 Private Variables in R5-Classes possible?
Monday February 20 2012
4:03PM 1 Controlling simplification in apply()?
11:09AM 3 text(1:10, col=NA) is not transparent
Sunday February 19 2012
7:45PM 2 include <R.h>
Friday February 17 2012
8:57PM 3 portable parallel seeds project: request for critiques
4:31PM 1 building r-devel
6:50AM 1 Parallel R CMD check?
Thursday February 16 2012
10:08PM 1 Unstable reproduce for potential issue with CHARSXP creation
Wednesday February 15 2012
1:03PM 3 help.search() in html?
6:05AM 1 read.spss issues
Tuesday February 14 2012
4:43PM 1 method using several (and different) arguments in turn
12:09AM 2 R CMD SHLIB in Windows XP - No output at all
Monday February 13 2012
7:36PM 1 executable files R package
4:30PM 1 requesting a new SIG mailing list
11:59AM 1 Overwrite S3 methond from base package
6:51AM 1 Can I use "..." in parallel:::clusterApplyLB?
Friday February 10 2012
6:02PM 3 Schwefel Function Optimization
3:15PM 1 Out of date instructions to build R using MKL
12:18PM 3 Creating XML document extremely slow
10:59AM 0 how to convert JGR package script to .exe
10:54AM 1 which R package is used for browsing web pages through coding
Thursday February 9 2012
4:45PM 0 na.omit option in prcomp: formula interface only
1:59AM 1 scan() doesn't like '1.#IND'
1:31AM 0 R devel: R CMD build now sources ~/.Rprofile
Wednesday February 8 2012
11:01PM 3 Version control (git, mercurial) for R packages
8:16PM 1 FORTRAN compilation error
10:38AM 0 Error in data.frame(srcfile = NA_character_ ...) using R CMD check
12:08AM 1 capture.output() is trying to allocate 17179869182.6 Gb on my not so big data.frame
12:02AM 1 Options for keeping files when package re-install or update.
Tuesday February 7 2012
9:34PM 2 Canonical package directory name for JAR files?
6:13PM 1 Using custom R_LIBS with R CMD install
Monday February 6 2012
8:45PM 2 mem.limits deprecated
1:27PM 1 Segfault on ".C" registration via R_CMethodDef according to 'Writing R Extensions'.
Saturday February 4 2012
9:22PM 0 Reading a Fixed-Width File with SAS import instructions directly into an R data frame
4:38PM 1 RFC: Proposal to make NROW() and NCOL() slightly more general
Friday February 3 2012
3:55PM 2 Is the link to the R wiki down?
10:49AM 1 Resume processing after warning handler.
Thursday February 2 2012
7:54PM 0 inconsistency with names on call object
Wednesday February 1 2012
7:10PM 2 location of check.Renviron on Windows
3:24PM 3 Crash in R using embedded.