On Wed, 3 Aug 2011, robin hankin wrote:
> Hi.
> I am having difficulty following section 1.6.6 of the R-extensions manual.
Also in following the posting guide: which version of R is this (it
matters here!)?
It seems you are failing to import the functions you are attempting to
take over as S4 generics: most likely plot() so you need
importFrom(graphics, plot)
at least in R 2.13.x.
> I am trying to update the Brobdingnag package to include a NAMESPACE file
> untb package requires the Brobdingnag package).
> Without the NAMESPACE file, the package passes R CMD check cleanly.
> However, if I include a NAMESPACE file, even an empty one, R CMD check
> gives the following error in 00install.out:
> wt118:~/packages% cat Brobdingnag.Rcheck/00install.out
> * installing *source* package ?Brobdingnag? ...
> ** R
> ** inst
> ** preparing package for lazy loading
> Creating a generic for ?max? in package ?Brobdingnag?
> (the supplied definition differs from and overrides the implicit generic
> in package ?base?: Classes: "nonstandardGenericFunction",
> Creating a generic for ?min? in package ?Brobdingnag?
> (the supplied definition differs from and overrides the implicit generic
> in package ?base?: Classes: "nonstandardGenericFunction",
> Creating a generic for ?range? in package ?Brobdingnag?
> (the supplied definition differs from and overrides the implicit generic
> in package ?base?: Classes: "nonstandardGenericFunction",
> Creating a generic for ?prod? in package ?Brobdingnag?
> (the supplied definition differs from and overrides the implicit generic
> in package ?base?: Classes: "nonstandardGenericFunction",
> Creating a generic for ?sum? in package ?Brobdingnag?
> (the supplied definition differs from and overrides the implicit generic
> in package ?base?: Classes: "nonstandardGenericFunction",
> Error in setGeneric(f, where = where) :
> must supply a function skeleton, explicitly or via an existing function
> Error : unable to load R code in package 'Brobdingnag'
> ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ?Brobdingnag?
> * removing ?/Users/rksh/packages/Brobdingnag.Rcheck/Brobdingnag?
> wt118:~/packages%
> AFAICS, all the setGeneric() calls are pretty much like this:
> setGeneric("getX",function(x){standardGeneric("getX")})
> Can anyone advise?
> thank you
> Robin
> --
> Robin Hankin
> Uncertainty Analyst
> hankin.robin at gmail.com
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