Turn off "keep.source": you will see that is foo that is changed by
Something is either not setting or handling the NAMED field and so not
duplicating: it looks like the pairlist code for $<- is the culprit.
On Mon, 5 Jan 2009, Felix Andrews wrote:
> Hi list(...),
> I've narrowed down a weird bug. It's like a ghost in the machine,
> that functions seem to remember things that they should not be able
> to. In the example below, the result of the second (and subseqent)
> calls depend on what was given in the first call.
> foo <- function(given = NULL) {
> callObj <- quote(callFunc())
> if (!is.null(given))
> callObj$given <- given
> if (is.null(given))
> callObj$default <- TRUE
> callObj
> }
> foo()
> # callFunc(default = TRUE)
> foo(given = TRUE)
> # callFunc(default = TRUE, given = TRUE)
> Note, if the first call was something different, the result is different:
> foo("blah blah")
> # callFunc(given = "blah blah")
> foo(given = TRUE)
> # callFunc(given = TRUE)
> foo()
> # callFunc(given = "blah blah", default = TRUE)
> So on subsequent calls, callObj is being initialised to its final
> value from the first call. You can actually see this here:
> body(foo)[[2]]
> # callObj <- quote(callFunc(given = "blah blah"))
> The problem seems to be related to quote(callFunc()), because if you
> replace it with call("callFunc"), everything works as expected:
> foo.ok <- function(given = NULL) {
> callObj <- call("callFunc")
> if (!is.null(given))
> callObj$given <- given
> if (is.null(given))
> callObj$default <- TRUE
> callObj
> }
> foo.ok()
> # callFunc(default = TRUE)
> foo.ok(given = TRUE)
> # callFunc(given = TRUE)
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.9.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-01-04 r47462)
> i386-pc-mingw32
> locale:
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
> --
> Felix Andrews / ???
> http://www.neurofractal.org/felix/
> 3358 543D AAC6 22C2 D336 80D9 360B 72DD 3E4C F5D8
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/?ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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