diggsb at ohsu.edu
2008-Oct-20 15:55 UTC
[Rd] Wrong behavior of lines.survfit for conf.int="only" (PR#13180)
I downloaded the source for survival and I think I found the bug. I have not tried to build the package with this change to test it, but just defining the function with this change seems to work. The code if (conf.int=='only') { conf.int <- TRUE plot.surv<- TRUE } Should be if (conf.int=='only') { conf.int <- TRUE plot.surv<- FALSE } --Brian Diggs
Peter Dalgaard
2008-Oct-20 16:32 UTC
[Rd] Wrong behavior of lines.survfit for conf.int="only" (PR#13180)
diggsb at ohsu.edu wrote:> SSBkb3dubG9hZGVkIHRoZSBzb3VyY2UgZm9yIHN1cnZpdmFsIGFuZCBJIHRoaW5rIEkgZm91bmQg > dGhlIGJ1Zy4gIEkgaGF2ZSBub3QgdHJpZWQgdG8gYnVpbGQgdGhlIHBhY2thZ2Ugd2l0aCB0aGlz > IGNoYW5nZSB0byB0ZXN0IGl0LCBidXQganVzdCBkZWZpbmluZyB0aGUgZnVuY3Rpb24gd2l0aCB0 > aGlzIGNoYW5nZSBzZWVtcyB0byB3b3JrLg0KDQpUaGUgY29kZQ0KDQoJaWYgKGNvbmYuaW50PT0n > b25seScpIHsNCgkgICAgY29uZi5pbnQgPC0gVFJVRQ0KCSAgICBwbG90LnN1cnY8LSBUUlVFDQoJ > ICAgIH0NCg0KU2hvdWxkIGJlDQoNCglpZiAoY29uZi5pbnQ9PSdvbmx5Jykgew0KCSAgICBjb25m > LmludCA8LSBUUlVFDQoJICAgIHBsb3Quc3VydjwtIEZBTFNFDQoJICAgIH0NCg0KLS1CcmlhbiBE > aWdncw0KDQo> > ______________________________________________ > R-devel at r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-develArgh! Jitterbug...must...die... [pd at titmouse2]$ base64 -d SSBkb3dubG9hZGVkIHRoZSBzb3VyY2UgZm9yIHN1cnZpdmFsIGFuZCBJIHRoaW5rIEkgZm91bmQg .... aWdncw0KDQo I downloaded the source for survival and I think I found the bug. I have not tried to build the package with this change to test it, but just defining the function with this change seems to work. The code if (conf.int=='only') { conf.int <- TRUE plot.surv<- TRUE } Should be if (conf.int=='only') { conf.int <- TRUE plot.surv<- FALSE } --Brian Diggs -- O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard ?ster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918 ~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907