R devel - Jul 2008

Thursday July 31 2008
9:19PM 2 allocMatrix limits
5:24PM 5 Random number generation
1:35PM 2 C versions of serialize/unserialize in packages
Wednesday July 30 2008
11:41PM 0 Name clashes among packages
1:45PM 2 R, Macports and C++ streams
Tuesday July 29 2008
7:40PM 3 sapply(Date, is.numeric)
4:44PM 1 closing View windows after multiple View(x) crashes
2:47PM 1 R crashes on new laptop
1:31PM 0 'R CMD check' and S4 methods
6:27AM 1 a package installation problem on windows
Monday July 28 2008
8:13PM 0 S4 classes that extend S3 classes
1:15PM 1 equivalent to "require" for imports? (cairoDevice)
7:50AM 1 cairo device and pch="+"
7:44AM 1 grid.ls() after grid.remove() fails
Saturday July 26 2008
2:55AM 1 the C function drawing a rectangle: heatmap() -> image() -> do_image() -> GRect() -> GERect() -> rect() -> do_rect() -> GRect() ??
Friday July 25 2008
3:19PM 2 grobX for points?
11:30AM 2 head() for files
3:10AM 1 serialize() to via temporary file is heaps faster than doing it directly (on Windows)
Thursday July 24 2008
2:39PM 0 How to loop through a set of data and to evaluate a function?
3:16AM 1 plot.dendrogram xlim/ylim
Wednesday July 23 2008
4:20PM 2 shQuote and cat
Tuesday July 22 2008
11:36AM 4 Is text(..., adj) upside down? (Or am I?)
9:26AM 1 Parameter names in nls()
Monday July 21 2008
2:16AM 1 confusion about evaluation.
Sunday July 20 2008
11:51PM 1 License Conflict?
6:34PM 0 R CMD check test examples with and without Suggest installed
1:01PM 1 garbage collection, "preserved" variables, and different outcome depending on "--verbose" or not
Saturday July 19 2008
8:24PM 1 axis() ignores supplied value of argument mgp[3]?
6:26PM 1 Clash between 'Cairo' and 'EBImage' packages on Windows
Friday July 18 2008
10:17PM 1 symbolic linking libs | thanks!
7:13AM 3 Windows: adding R/bin folder to the PATH variable
5:06AM 0 Rcpp from C++
1:16AM 2 symbolic linking to library files
12:19AM 1 Checking package help file examples
Thursday July 17 2008
8:06PM 0 spss endianness bugfix
9:43AM 2 AIX 5.3 --enable-R-shlib --with-x ---with-iconv make error with R-2.7.0 and R-2.7.1
5:48AM 1 rowSums()/colSums() don't preserve the 'integer' storage mode
Wednesday July 16 2008
1:52PM 3 Snow or alternative MPI packages on Windows
1:33PM 0 Rinterfaces.h
11:12AM 1 Problems with snowfall
10:40AM 1 Checking package vignettes: WARNING
Tuesday July 15 2008
6:11PM 1 methods/namespaces/possible bug
5:33PM 1 package.skeleton does invalide regular name...
Monday July 14 2008
4:40PM 0 RODBC Seg Fault
1:30PM 2 dll problem
Sunday July 13 2008
9:39AM 2 multiple names to assign
Friday July 11 2008
2:21PM 2 matching predictors and dummies
1:25PM 0 Type: Frontend ignored in 'Bundle' packages
3:18AM 1 Suggestion: 20% speed up of which() with two-character mod
Thursday July 10 2008
8:17PM 1 memory leak in readline code
11:59AM 0 RODBC Close Memory Leak Question
8:24AM 1 package has a loading problem
Wednesday July 9 2008
6:26PM 1 memory leak in sub("[range]",...)
Tuesday July 8 2008
9:39PM 1 split.Date
Monday July 7 2008
10:22PM 0 RNGkind() state
Sunday July 6 2008
4:47PM 0 Comparing dimensions in arrays?
Saturday July 5 2008
5:55PM 3 Editing the "..." argument
12:12AM 2 [[ vs. .subset2
Friday July 4 2008
11:23PM 2 experinental revision of the 'snow' package
8:24PM 2 Interface between fractal geometry and statistics
6:02AM 1 education task view
2:36AM 1 update on dnbinom with large "size"
12:58AM 0 dnbinom unreliable for absurdly large "size" parameter
Thursday July 3 2008
1:13PM 1 GetRNGstate and PutRNGstate
1:03PM 0 Bug repository down Friday
10:43AM 0 Filename bug in png
9:35AM 0 Rgui.exe(R.dll) crashes when set the locale to "Korean" (PR#11903)
8:58AM 1 --enable-BLAS-shlib conflict with --with-lapack in configure?
Wednesday July 2 2008
11:27PM 1 Constructing logical expressions dynamically
2:05PM 1 Data editor duplicates pairs of backslashes (PR#11897)
10:20AM 1 how to concatenate two strings
8:00AM 2 spss long labels
Tuesday July 1 2008
6:20PM 1 [.data.frame speedup
1:57PM 1 Autoconf / Windows package building problem for device package