snpMatrix ( is now part of Bioconductor. I use the mingw cross compiler to make the window releases so I made the effort to build the cross-compiler as an rpm for x86_64 fedora 8/9. It might be also useful to other R-developers, or some might find the rpm spec file interesting anyway: The cross-compiler is relocatable, I believe, so feel free to do "rpm2cpio <rpm> | cpio --extract -d" or use alien to convert it to *.deb. This is provided as is, but will probably get updated from time to time. (The Bioconductor people have different ideas about release numbers, but trust me - I am one of the authors - that snpMatrix on the outmodedbonsai download page is a bit newer than what is available through bioc). __________________________________________________________ Sent from Yahoo! Mail. A Smarter Email