On 3/29/2007 8:09 AM, fabio frascati wrote:> Hi. I am Fabio Frascati and I am from Italy. I have a dubt about R: How can
I have alphabetical index of my package index of functions? Example:
> --A--
> aaa
> aaab
> --B--
> bbbbb
> bbc
> Thank you,
Please ask questions like this on the R-devel mailing list, so everyone
can see the answers (and can provide better ones).
When you install a package R will automatically create an index of the
sort you want. It will only break it up by starting letter ("--A--",
etc.) if there are more than 100 entries. The index is stored in
RHOME/library/<package name>/html/00Index.html.
"R CMD Rd2dvi" will also create an alphabetical table of contents in
various formats. (I believe it's alphabetical by filename, but lists
the internal name in the TOC; if those are different, it will appear not
to be alphabetical.)
Duncan Murdoch