On 9/14/2006 3:01 PM, Seth Falcon wrote:> Hi,
> Can someone help me understand why
> substitute(function(a) a + 1, list(a=quote(foo)))
> gives
> function(a) foo + 1
> and not
> function(foo) foo + 1
> The man page leads me to believe this is related to lazy evaluation of
> function arguments, but I'm not getting the big picture.
I think it's the same reason that this happens:
> substitute(c( a = 1, b = a), list(a = quote(foo)))
c(a = 1, b = foo)
The "a" in function(a) is the name of the arg, it's not the arg
(which is missing). Now a harder question to answer is why this happens:
> substitute(function(a=a) 1, list(a=quote(foo)))
function(a = a) 1
I would have expected to get "function(a = foo) 1".
Duncan Murdoch