2006-Mar-13 17:09 UTC
[Rd] wishlist: function mlh.mlm to test multivariate linear hypotheses of the form: LBT'=0 (PR#8680)
Full_Name: Yves Rosseel Version: 2.2.1 OS: Submission from: (NULL) ( The code below sketches a possible implementation of a function 'mlh.mlm' which I think would be a good complement to the 'anova.mlm' function in the stats package. It tests a single linear hypothesis of the form H_0: LBT'= 0 where B is the matrix of regression coefficients; L is a matrix with rows giving linear combinations of the regressions coefficients; the transformation matrix T has the same meaning as in the anova.mlm function. An example and some bare-bones code is listed below (code depends on the Pillai, Wilks etc. functions defined in src/library/stats/R/mlm.R). Example model: 3 dependents, 1 between-subjects factor with 4 levels set.seed(123) Y <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100)) A <- factor(rep(c(1,2,3,4), each=25)) fit <- lm(Y ~ A) Example 1: simple contrast: compare level 3 versus level 4 (multivariate) (note: first zero in l1 corresponds to the intercept, not the first level of A) l1 <- c(0, 0, 1, -1) L <- rbind(l1) mlh.mlm(fit, L=L, test="Wilks") Wilks approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) 0.9874192 0.3992218 3.0000000 94.0000000 0.7538689 Example 2: suppose the three dependents are three timepoints (time); is there a contrast*time interaction (using the contrast above: level 3 versus level 4) t1 <- c(1,-1,0); t2 <- c(0,1,-1) T <- rbind(t1,t2) mlh.mlm(fit, L=L, T=T, test="Wilks") Wilks approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) 0.9889929 0.5286555 2.0000000 95.0000000 0.5911205 Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mlh.mlm <- function(object, L = null, T = diag(nrow = p), test = c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy")) { # test the multivariate linear hypothesis LBT'=0 # B = matrix of regression coefficients # L = matrix, each row is a linear combination of the parameters # T = transformation matrix if(!inherits(object, "mlm")) stop("object must be of class \"mlm\"") if( is.null(L) ) stop("L matrix is not specified.") # L must be a matrix if( is.null(dim(L)) ) L <- t(L) if( nrow(object$coef) != ncol(L) ) stop("nrow(object$coef) != ncol(L)") p <- ncol(SSD(object)$SSD) ssd <- SSD(object) df.res <- ssd$df rss.qr <- qr(T %*% ssd$SSD %*% t(T)) X <- as.matrix( model.matrix(object) ) B <- as.matrix( object$coef ) df <- nrow(L) ss <- t(L %*% B) %*% as.matrix(solve(L %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(L))) %*% (L %*% B) eigs <- Re(eigen(qr.coef(rss.qr, T %*% ss %*% t(T)), symmetric = FALSE)$values) test <- match.arg(test) stats <- switch(test, "Pillai" = Pillai(eigs, df, df.res), "Wilks" = Wilks(eigs, df, df.res), "Hotelling-Lawley" = HL(eigs, df, df.res), "Roy" = Roy(eigs, df, df.res) ) stats[5] <- pf(stats[2], stats[3], stats[4], lower.tail = FALSE) names(stats) <- c(test, "approx F", "num Df", "den Df", "Pr(>F)") stats }