The problem is over-ambitious documentation. Recursively running the
checks on slots for all validObject calls would be a fairly serious
efficiency hit. Objects are checked for validity when created, other
than as the default object, so assuming the slot objects to be as
claimed is reasonable if they haven't been corrupted later on. We'll
update the documentation.
Validity checking is a tricky business in general. R validates new
objects, but users can turn valid objects into invalid objects in cases
where slots have to match in special ways (you can't apply validObject
each time a slot changes, since the change may be part of a bigger
computation that _will_ produce a valid object). Similarly, constraints
on the elements can't be checked each time an element or subset of the
object changes, if the changes have to be done in stages. Systems that
"commit" top-level assignments can check then, but R does not have
Martin Morgan wrote:
>The documentation for validObject suggests that slots are checked for
>validity, but validObject seems only to check that the slot has
>something claiming to be correct; validObject(obj) does not perform
>the equivalent of validObject(obj@y) for slot y.
>This is also the second problem issue reported in
>Relevant documentation, an example, and sessionInfo follow.
>validObject package:methods R Documentation
> ...
> Note that validity methods do not have to check validity of any
> slots or superclasses: the logic of 'validObject' ensures
> tests are done once only.
> ...
> Validity testing takes place "bottom up": first the validity
> the object's slots, if any, is tested.
> ...
> representation( x="numeric" ),
> validity = function( object ) object@x > 0 )
> representation( y="foo", z="numeric" ),
> validity = function( object ) object@z > 0 )
>obj <- new( "bar", y = new( "foo", x=1 ), z = 1 )
>and then...
>>validObject( obj )
>[1] TRUE
>## invalidate obj@y
>>obj@y@x <- -1
>>validObject( obj@y ) # right, this is not valid
>Error in validObject(obj@y) : invalid class "foo" object: FALSE
>>## obj@y is invalid, but obj is valid?
>>validObject( obj ) # should be invalid?
>[1] TRUE
>Version 2.3.0 Under development (unstable) (2006-03-03 r37471)
>attached base packages:
>[1] "methods" "stats" "graphics"
"grDevices" "utils" "datasets"
>[7] "base"
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