>>>>> Daniel Murphy <chiefmurphy at gmail.com>
>>>>> on Wed, 5 May 2010 22:08:06 -0700 writes:
> Sirs:
> My validity function did not run when my class
contains="matrix". But if I
> first define the class with contains="numeric", then define
it again
> with contains="matrix", validity runs. Here's the
>> f <- function(object) "BAD CLASS" # force error to
>> setClass("A", contains="matrix", validity=f)
> [1] "A"
>> new("A",as.matrix(1)) # should generate a validity error,
does not
> An object of class ?A?
> [,1]
> [1,] 1
>> setClass("B", contains="numeric", validity=f)
> [1] "B"
>> new("B",1) # generates the error
> Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class "B" object: BAD
>> setClass("B", contains="matrix", validity=f)
> [1] "B"
>> new("B",as.matrix(1)) # generates the error
> Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class "B" object: BAD
The above behavior is clearly a bug.
The correct behavior *should* indeed show a validity error even
for class "A" above.
You are welcome to submit a formal bug report ..
> On the other hand, when I define the class with "matrix" in
> representation, validity is called, no work-around necessary:
Yes, but that's really something different,
and I can imagine situations, where the "contains" is very
preferable, as you get all the methods for "matrix" for free.
>> setClass("C", representation(a="matrix"),
> [1] "C"
>> new("C",a=as.matrix(1)) # error, as desired
> Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class "C" object: BAD
> Should I
> 1) always put "matrix" into the setClass representation
argument instead of
> the contains argument, or
> 2) use contains="numeric", put the matrix's dims and
dimnames attributes
> into slots, and rely on a constructor to populate the instance?
Well, one can go the very long and "stable" way as we did in the
Matrix package...
I'm not sure I would recommend that for you in your situation.
not the least because you *could* use the Matrix package if you
want to use such formal matrices with its thousands of methods.
Martin Maechler,
ETH Zurich
> Option 2 seems most "stable".
> Thanks,
> Dan Murphy
> Windows Vista, R version 2.11.0 (2010-04-22)
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