On Venerd?, dic 5, 2003, at 00:48 Europe/Rome,
bronwyn@biocadmin.otago.ac.nz wrote:
> I have just used the RAqua.pkg to install R, and it doesn't work! I
> have Mac OS X 10.3, and the old version of R works OK, but the .pkg
> thing installed, and then when I double-click on the "StartR"
> application nothing happens. Nothing at all, no little icon bobbing up
> and down in the dock, just nothing. What have I done wrong? I didn't
> have to install the other packages did I?
From the ReadMe.txt file
If you want to install RAqua double click on the RAqua.pkg icon. You
will be asked for a root password. RAqua will be installed on your
system in the /Applications folder.
You should also install the other three packages:
1. libreadline (unless you have this package already installed)
2. tcltk (this is a must if you want to use tcltk)
3. libxml2 (if you want to use the XML package)
I guess you don't have the libreadline library installed on you system
and this causes RAqua failing to launch. Please use the installer
provided in the RAqua.dmg archive.
Also follow Thomas L. suggestion (as a general rule when a OSX
application fails to run or quits unexpectedly) to look at the Console
application inside the Applications/Utilities folder on your system
> Bronwyn Carlisle
> Biochemistry Department
> University of Otago
> Dunedin
> New Zealand
> Tel 64 3 479 7704
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