Having dealt quite a bit with different versions of GenePix Data Results
files (GPR) on different systems (including WinXP Pro w/ R v1.7.1) my
guess is that your GPR file has single qoutation marks in the Name or the
ID columns. Typical is "3' end bla bla" etc.
If I remember correctly, I've seen exactly that error message because of
this and it can be dealt with by using the correct 'quote' argument. Try
quote="" instead of the the default one. Sorry for not being able to
more direct, but my laptop is on service and I do not have time to go to
the backup archives to find the details.
I do not know of any difference between R v1.7.1 and previous versions. If
you still can't get it to work, you can test to read your GPR file with
the com.braju.sma package, which has been able read all GPR versions
this far (except from an unrelated problem reported with GPR v1.5 I've got
this week). See maths.lth.se/help/R/com.braju.sma for install
and read instructions. If you get errors I could take a look at the file,
because I doubt it is a R bug.
Best wishes
Henrik Bengtsson
Dept. of Mathematical Statistics @ Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Lund Institute of Technology/Lund University, Sweden (+2h UTC)
+46 46 2229611 (off), +46 708 909208 (cell), +46 46 2224623 (fax)
h b @ m a t h s . l t h . s e, maths.lth.se/~hb
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 bart.rossel@anu.edu.au wrote:
> Full_Name: Bart
> Version: 1.7.1
> OS: XP
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> When trying to load microarray slides (gpr format) into R 1.7.1, I get the
> following error message
> Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec =
dec, :
> line 1057 did not have 43 elements
> I have been able to load the files on another computer before including an
> machine. I have also tried to load a different set of gpr files, that also
> worked on an earlier version, but still get the same error message.
> Using an earlier version of R (1.3.1)I did not have these problems.
> Does anyone know of compatibilty issues between R 1.7.1 and Windows XP?
> Thanks,
> Bart
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