2000-Apr-26 02:41 UTC
[Rd] Wrong SEs in predict.lm(..., type="terms") (PR#528)
>From e980153 Tue Apr 25 14:42:27 2000To: Subject: Wrong SEs in predict.lm(..., type="terms") For what it is worth, I am using RW-1.0.0 under Windows 98. I submitted this earlier to r-help. There is one change below to my proposed corrected code: predict.lm(..., type="terms") gives wrong standard errors. Below, I have provided what I believe are the necessary fixes. However, there are subtleties, and the code needs careful checking. Some of the looping is surely not necessary, but it is surely best to begin with the minimum necessary changes. My tests, including checks against S-PLUS, have extended to fitting spline curves. I have not tested the code with any example where the pivot sequence does not run sequentially from 1 to p1. df<-data.frame(x=1:9,y=c(2,3,6,4,8,10,12,14,15))> df.lm_lm(y~x,data=df) > as.vector(predict(df.lm,se=T,type="terms")$[1] 0.9904885 0.7428664 0.4952442 0.2476221 0.0000000 0.2476221 0.4952442 [8] 0.7428664 0.9904885 Here is what one should get:> abs((df$x-mean(df$x)))*summary(df.lm)$coef[2,2][1] 0.5769836 0.4327377 0.2884918 0.1442459 0.0000000 0.1442459 0.2884918 [8] 0.4327377 0.5769836 Here is the relevant section of corrected code: if (type=="terms"){ asgn <- attrassign(object) beta<-coef(object) hasintercept<-attr(tt,"intercept")>0 if (hasintercept) asgn$"(Intercept)"<-NULL nterms<-length(asgn) predictor<-matrix(ncol=nterms,nrow=NROW(X)) dimnames(predictor)<-list(rownames(X),names(asgn)) if ({ ip<-matrix(ncol=nterms,nrow=NROW(X)) dimnames(ip)<-list(rownames(X),names(asgn)) } if (hasintercept){ # This was omitted in the code on r-help avX<-apply(X,2,mean) X<-sweep(X,2,avX) # We'd best sweep out column means # before we start } for (i in seq(1,nterms,length=nterms)){ ii<-piv[asgn[[i]]] predictor[,i]<-X[,ii,drop=F]%*%(beta[ii]) if ({ ii2_asgn[[i]] # X[,piv] matches rows & columns of R vci<-R[ii2,ii2]*res.var for(j in (1:NROW(X))){ xi<-X[j,ii,drop=F] # Do not multiply by beta[ii] ip[j,i]<-sum(xi%*% vci %*%t(xi)) } } } Here is the existing section of the (1.0.0) code: if (type=="terms"){ asgn <- attrassign(object) beta<-coef(object) hasintercept<-attr(tt,"intercept")>0 if (hasintercept) asgn$"(Intercept)"<-NULL nterms<-length(asgn) predictor<-matrix(ncol=nterms,nrow=NROW(X)) dimnames(predictor)<-list(rownames(X),names(asgn)) if ({ ip<-matrix(ncol=nterms,nrow=NROW(X)) dimnames(ip)<-list(rownames(X),names(asgn)) } for (i in seq(1,nterms,length=nterms)){ if (hasintercept) # Redundant i0<-1 # Redundant else # Redundant i0<-NULL # Redundant ii<-piv[asgn[[i]]] predictor[,i]<-X[,ii,drop=F]%*%(beta[ii]) # Should be centred X[,ii]<-X[,ii]-mean(X[,ii]) # Columns must be centred individually if ({ vci<-R[ii,ii]*res.var # The pivot should not be applied to R for(j in (1:NROW(X))){ xi<-X[j,ii,drop=F]*(beta[ii]) # Do not Xply by beta ip[j,i]<-sum(xi%*% vci %*%t(xi)) } } } John Maindonald email : Statistical Consulting Unit, phone : (6249)3998 c/o CMA, SMS, fax : (6249)5549 John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200 Australia -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._
Maybe Matching Threads
- Wrong SEs in predict.lm(..., type="terms")
- anova.mlm (single-model case) does not handle factors? (PR#8679)
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