>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Lindsey
<jlindsey@alpha.luc.ac.be> writes:
Jim> It seems to me the following should work (in fact, it comes from
Jim> someone's SPlus file). Instead, it reads the first 8 lines and
Jim> spits out syntax errors. Using nlines=36 works. Using nmax does not.
Jim> Intel RH5.2 with R90.0. Debugging shows it must be internal. Jim
Yes, a bug.
This is true with both R versions 0.65 and 0.90 ("R90.0" does *not*
Btw, "nmax" *does* work --- however *not* according to documentation
## easier to test if you use a named file instead of stdin) :
> str(j1 <- scan(file="/u/maechler/R/jl-scan.dat",
+ list(i=0,r1=0,r2=0,lull="",day=""),nmax=5*36))
Read 36 lines
List of 5
$ i : num [1:36] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ r1 : num [1:36] 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 4 1 ...
$ r2 : num [1:36] 5 0 4 0 4 0 5 1 1 0 ...
$ lull: chr [1:36] "no" "yes" "no"
"yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes"
"no" "yes" ...
$ day : chr [1:36] "1" "1" "2" "2"
"3" "3" "4" "4" "5"
"5" "6" "6" "7" "7" ...
Jim> junk <-
Jim> 1 3 5 no 1
Jim> 2 1 0 yes 1
Jim> 3 2 4 no 2
Jim> 4 1 0 yes 2
Jim> 5 1 4 no 3
Jim> 6 1 0 yes 3
Jim> 7 1 5 no 4
Jim> 8 0 1 yes 4
Jim> 9 4 1 no 5
Jim> 10 1 0 yes 5
Jim> 11 4 5 no 6
Jim> 12 1 0 yes 6
Jim> 13 5 3 no 7
Jim> 14 1 0 yes 7
Jim> 15 4 4 no 8
Jim> 16 1 0 yes 8
Jim> 17 3 2 no 9
Jim> 18 1 0 yes 9
Jim> 19 8 1 no 10
Jim> 20 0 1 yes 10
Jim> 21 5 1 no 11
Jim> 22 1 0 yes 11
Jim> 23 8 1 no 12
Jim> 24 1 0 yes 12
Jim> 25 5 3 no 13
Jim> 26 1 0 yes 13
Jim> 27 4 1 no 14
Jim> 28 1 0 yes 14
Jim> 29 4 2 no 15
Jim> 30 1 0 yes 15
Jim> 31 7 1 no 16
Jim> 32 1 0 yes 16
Jim> 33 4 2 no 17
Jim> 34 0 1 yes 17
Jim> 35 5 3 no 18
Jim> 36 1 0 yes 18
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