Sorry to bring up this old topic again but ... The 2.0 release of Debian Linux is about to happen and the release team requires copyright statements on any code included in the release. Presently there are 4 packages that I have created from R source code and libraries and contributed to the release. I think this will help with the visibility of R when there is a well-regarded release of an operating system that includes R as an integral part of the operating system. Regretably I will probably have to cut back to 3 packages because of copyright problems. The packages are: r-base_0.61.2-0 - based on CRAN/src/base/R-0.61.2.tgz All code is GPL or BSD-license or Artistic license r-cran_0.61.1-0 - includes from CRAN/src/contrib the libraries class, ctest, e1071, jpn, nnet, oz, polynom, quadprog, rational, spatial, and splines. All this code is described as having the GPL for a copyright except for jpn which is described as License: Created by Data Science Group in Keio University, Japan. May freely be distributed with R. I may end up having to remove that library because the statement is too vague. r-mlbench_0.61.1-0 - the library from CRAN/src/contrib/mlbench. Its license is described as "free for non-commercial purposes". There is a possibility I will have to remove this one as well but I don't think so. All the code here was written by Fritz Leisch and is covered by the GPL. All the rest of the library is data sets that were converted by Fritz. I believe that data themselves cannot be copyrighted - only a particular representation of the data such as a table can be copyrighted. In this case, since Fritz converted the data to a format to be read into R, the representation is covered by Fritz putting it under the GPL. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who feels I am misinterpreting the copyright status here. r-cran-non-free_0.61.1-0 - remaining libraries with .DESCRIPTION files from CRAN/src/contrib. These include bootstrap, fracdiff, principal.curve, and xgobi. I think these will have to be removed. The bootstrap and principal.curve libraries have no clear statement of copyright. The fracdiff library says "free for non-commercial purposes" but that is not as specific as it needs to be. The xgobi library is covered under a specific copyright but I think we will fold that into the xgobi package rather than the R packages. Does anyone think I have misplaced one or more of the libraries? Do you have further copyright clarifications that could help out? Finally a plea. Please, when you do contribute a library or other code, make sure you state the copyright conditions clearly. If you don't want to make a big deal about copyright then I recommend that you use the GPL. Look at the Appendix at the end of the file COPYING in the main directory of the R source code for instructions on how to do this. -- Douglas Bates Statistics Department 608/262-2598 University of Wisconsin - Madison -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._