Colin Kincaid Williams
2014-Sep-05 04:27 UTC
[Puppet Users] roles? paramaters? facts? with somebodys hacked puppet modules...
I have a hacked together class that somebody else wrote based on some wikimedia puppet scripts. I've been asked to set the JAVA_HEAP_MAX if the host is a resource manager. I'm trying to set the variable yarn_env_java_heap_max if the host is a rm. Is it possible to set the paramater as below? Do I have to create a separate role just to set this paramater? Am I better off checking if a rm in the template itself? if ($::hostname in $rm_hosts){ yarn_env_java_heap_max => '-Xmx4000M', } I am accsessing the variable in the template as follows: <% if @yarn_env_java_heap_max -%> JAVA_HEAP_MAX = <%= yarn_env_java_heap_max %> <% end -%> the role class # role/wh/hadoop.pp # borrowed from # Role classes for Hadoop nodes. # # Usage: # # To install only hadoop client packages and configs: # include role::wh::hadoop # # To install a Hadoop Master (NameNode + ResourceManager, etc.): # include role::wh::hadoop::master # # To install a Hadoop Worker (DataNode + NodeManager + etc.): # include role::wh::hadoop::worker # class role::wh::hadoop::client { # include common labs or production hadoop configs case $common::data::env { 'dev': { include role::wh::hadoop::dev anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_dev_first': } -> Class['role::wh::hadoop::dev'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_dev_last': } } 'qa' : { include role::wh::hadoop::qa anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_qa_first': } -> Class['role::wh::hadoop::qa'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_qa_last': } } 'prod': { include role::wh::hadoop::production anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_production_first': } -> Class['role::wh::hadoop::production'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_production_last': } } default: { fail("Unrecognized environment type for hadoop") } } } class role::wh::hadoop::journalnode inherits role::wh::hadoop::client { motd::register{ 'Hadoop Journal Node': } class { 'cdh5::hadoop::journalnode' :} anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_journalnode_first': } -> Class['cdh5::hadoop::journalnode'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_journalnode_last': } } class role::wh::hadoop::master inherits role::wh::hadoop::client { motd::register{ 'Hadoop Master (NameNode, ResourceManager & HistoryServer)': } system::mkdirs{'/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/hdfs/dfs/name' :} system::mkdirs{'/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/journalEdits' :} class { 'cdh5::hadoop::master' :} anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_master_first': } -> Class['cdh5::hadoop::master'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_master_last': } } class role::wh::hadoop::worker inherits role::wh::hadoop::client { motd::register{ 'Hadoop Worker (DataNode & NodeManager)': } class { 'cdh5::hadoop::worker' : } anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_worker_first': } -> Class['cdh5::hadoop::worker'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_worker_last': } } class role::wh::hadoop::standby inherits role::wh::hadoop::client { motd::register{ 'Hadoop Standby NameNode': } system::mkdirs{'/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/hdfs/dfs/name' :} system::mkdirs{'/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/journalEdits' :} class { 'cdh5::hadoop::namenode' : } class {'cdh5::hadoop::resourcemanager' : } anchor { 'cdh5_wh_hadoop_standby_first': } -> Class['cdh5::hadoop::namenode'] -> Class['cdh5::hadoop::resourcemanager'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_wh_hadoop_standby_last': } } class role::wh::hadoop::primary::postinstall inherits role::wh::hadoop::client { class { 'cdh5::hadoop::namenode::primarypostinstall' : } anchor { 'cdh5_wh_hadoop_primarypostinstall_first': } -> Class['cdh5::hadoop::namenode::primarypostinstall'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_wh_hadoop_primarypostinstall_last': } } class role::wh::hadoop::standby::postinstall inherits role::wh::hadoop::client { class { 'cdh5::hadoop::namenode::standbypostinstall' : } anchor { 'cdh5_wh_hadoop_standbypostinstall_first': } -> Class['cdh5::hadoop::namenode::standbypostinstall'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_wh_hadoop_standbypostinstall_last': } } ### The following classes should not be included directly. ### You should either include role::wh::hadoop::client, ### or role::wh::hadoop::worker or ### role::wh::hadoop::master. class role::wh::hadoop::production { class { 'cdh5::hadoop': namenode_hosts => [ '', '', ], rm_hosts => [ '', '', ], dfs_name_dir => [['/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/hdfs/dfs/name', '/nfs/namedir']], config_directory => '/etc/hadoop/conf', nameservice_id => 'whprod', # This is the logical name of the Hadoop cluster. journalnode_hosts => [ '', '', '', ], dfs_journalnode_edits_dir => '/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/journalEdits', datanode_mounts => [ '/data1', '/data2', '/data3', '/data4', '/data5', '/data6', '/data7', '/data8', '/data9', '/data10', '/data11' ], dfs_data_path => 'dfs', dfs_block_size => 268435456, # 256 MB # Turn on Snappy compression by default for maps and final outputs mapreduce_intermediate_compression => true, mapreduce_intermediate_compression_codec => '', mapreduce_output_compression => true, mapreduce_output_compression_codec => '', mapreduce_output_compression_type => 'BLOCK', #mapreduce_map_tasks_maximum => ($::processorcount - 2) / 2, #mapreduce_reduce_tasks_maximum => ($::processorcount - 2) / 2, #mapreduce_job_reuse_jvm_num_tasks => 1, #mapreduce_map_memory_mb => 1536, #mapreduce_reduce_memory_mb => 3072, #mapreduce_map_java_opts => '-Xmx1024M', #mapreduce_reduce_java_opts => '-Xmx2560M', #mapreduce_reduce_shuffle_parallelcopies => 10, #mapreduce_task_io_sort_mb => 200, #mapreduce_task_io_sort_factor => 10, if ($::hostname in $rm_hosts){ yarn_env_java_heap_max => '-Xmx4000M', } yarn_nodemanager_resource_memory_mb => 40960, yarn_resourcemanager_scheduler_class => 'org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacityScheduler', net_topology_script_template => 'hadoop/', } anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_first': } -> Class['cdh5::hadoop'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_last': } file { "$::cdh5::hadoop::config_directory/capacity-scheduler.xml": content => template('hadoop/capacity-scheduler.xml-prod'), require => Class['cdh5::hadoop'], } } class role::wh::hadoop::qa { class { 'cdh5::hadoop': namenode_hosts => [ '', '', ], rm_hosts => [ '', '', ], dfs_name_dir => [['/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/hdfs/dfs/name']], config_directory => '/etc/hadoop/conf', nameservice_id => 'whqa', # This is the logical name of the Hadoop cluster. journalnode_hosts => [ '', '', '', ], dfs_journalnode_edits_dir => '/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/journalEdits', datanode_mounts => [ '/data1', '/data2' ], dfs_data_path => 'dfs', dfs_block_size => 268435456, # 256 MB # Turn on Snappy compression by default for maps and final outputs mapreduce_intermediate_compression => true, mapreduce_intermediate_compression_codec => '', mapreduce_output_compression => true, mapreduce_output_compression_codec => '', mapreduce_output_compression_type => 'BLOCK', yarn_nodemanager_resource_memory_mb => 24576, yarn_resourcemanager_max_completed_applications => 500, yarn_resourcemanager_scheduler_class => 'org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacityScheduler', net_topology_script_template => 'hadoop/', } anchor { 'cdh5_wh_hadoop_qa_first': } -> Class['cdh5::hadoop'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_wh_hadoop_qa_last': } file { "$::cdh5::hadoop::config_directory/capacity-scheduler.xml": content => template('hadoop/capacity-scheduler.xml-qa'), require => Class['cdh5::hadoop'], } } class role::wh::hadoop::dev { class { 'cdh5::hadoop': namenode_hosts => [$::fqdn], rm_hosts => [$::fqdn], dfs_name_dir => [['/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/hdfs/dfs/name']], config_directory => '/etc/hadoop/conf', # nameservice_id => 'whdev', journalnode_hosts => [$::fqdn], dfs_journalnode_edits_dir => '/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/journalEdits', datanode_mounts => [ '/data1', '/data2' ], dfs_data_path => 'dfs', dfs_block_size => 67108864, # 256 MB # Turn on Snappy compression by default for maps and final outputs mapreduce_intermediate_compression => true, mapreduce_intermediate_compression_codec => '', mapreduce_output_compression => true, mapreduce_output_compression_codec => '', mapreduce_output_compression_type => 'BLOCK', mapreduce_map_tasks_maximum => 2, mapreduce_reduce_tasks_maximum => 2, yarn_nodemanager_resource_memory_mb => 4096, yarn_resourcemanager_scheduler_class => 'org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacityScheduler', } anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_first': } -> Class['cdh5::hadoop'] -> anchor { 'cdh5_hadoop_last': } file { "$::cdh5::hadoop::config_directory/capacity-scheduler.xml": content => template('hadoop/capacity-scheduler.xml-qa'), require => Class['cdh5::hadoop'], } } Note that the main hadoop class has a yarn_env_java_heap_max parameter that I added, which also is given a default value. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. 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