I have a dependency loop reported but I can not see how this can be:
class monitor {
class pulledpork ( $master) {
exec {
"/home/snort/bin/pulledpork -nc conf/$master/pp.conf":
cwd => "/home/snort",
subscribe => [File["/home/snort/conf/$master/pp"], File[
home/snort/Rules/$master"] ],
notify => Service["snort.$master"],
user => "snort";
define snort($master) {
start => "/home/snort/bin/restart-snort -start $master"
ensure => running,
require => Package[''snort''],
define sensor ( $name, $master, $instance, $rule_categories ) {
snort{ "snort.$master": master => $master }
class { pulledpork: stage => post, master => $master }
< snip>
and I get:
err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found dependency cycles in the
following relationships:
Exec[/home/snort/bin/pulledpork -nc conf/dmzo/pp.conf] =>
Service[snort.dmzo] => Exec[/home/snort/bin/pulledpork -nc conf/dmzo/
pp.conf]; try using the ''--graph'' option and open the
''.dot'' files in
OmniGraffle or GraphViz
I can not see how this dependence goes both ways???
What I want to have happen is that when Pulledpork is run then snort
is restarted.
clearly I''m missing something.
PS how does one use the graph option? could not find it in the man
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