To whom it corresponds,
I have been trying to connect my RHEL4 machine through public key
authentication against a windows server 2003 machine running OpenSSH for
Windows v3.8.1p1-1.
I set up everything: keys, user, etc. Doing sftp -vv user@<wsip> I see
authentication went ok but somehow, connection hangs up. I removed
anti-virus and other security software on the ws2003 machine that could
cause this error and same results.
Can anyone please help me? I am getting desperate here: don?t know what else
to try.
Please find attached my sshd_config file plus the output I get when
performing the sftp command on my linux machine.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
Javier Vila L?pez
DARS Telecom, S.L
Ingeniero de Sistemas - System Engineer
+34 690133111
javier.vila at
C. Gabriela Mistral, 2 28035 - MADRID
* P Antes de imprimir piensa en el Medio Ambiente *.
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