Kimberley Verburg
2003-Mar-28 12:00 UTC , Swiss Group Switzerland ! Earn up to 2 daily in the Swish Stock Exchange !
<!1479> <html><body><p><b>Sw<!1479>iss Gro<!1479>up SA</b> is one of Switzerland's lead<!1479>ing pri<!1479>vate altern<!1479>ative inve<!1479>stment compa<!1479>nies which allocates its assets to a range of fu<!1479>nds mai<!1479>nly in the fi<!1479>eld of alter<!1479>native inves<!1479>tment strate<!1479>gies. Its aim is to gene<!1479>rate absolute dai<!1479>ly compo<!1479>unded returns in U<!1479>SD te<!1479>rms. Swi<!1479>ss Gr<!1479>oup has been tra<!1479>ding on the Swi<!1479>ss Sto<!1479>ck Exch<!1479>ange since November 19<!1479>99 and on Fo<!1479>rex since ea<!1479>rly 1997. Sw<!1479>iss Gr<!1479>oup provi<!1479>des pri<!1479>vate and inst<!1479>itutional inv<!1479>estors with an easy and effi<!1479>cient way to inv<!1479>est with high retu<!1479>rns. <br><br> 50-500$ 1 <br> 500-1000$ 1,1 <br> 1,000-1,500$ 1,2 <br> 1,500-2,000$ 1,3 <br> 2,000-2,500$ 1,4 <br> 2,500-3,000$ 1,5 <br> 3,000-4,000$ 1,6 <br> 4,000-5,000$ 1,7 <br> 5,000-7,500$ 1,8 <br> 7,500-10,000$ 1,9 <br> 10,000-25,000$ 2,0 <br> 25,000$ special rate <br><br> <b>Cl<!29704>ick he<!29704>re to st<!29704>art ear<!29704>ning:</b> <br> <a href="http://www.%73%77%69%73%73%2d%67%72%6f%75%70.%6e%65%74/">http://www.sw<!29704>iss-gr<!29704> </a></p></body></html> <!29704>