Hi We have detected a problem in sshd when trying to access user files in order to authenticate a user via public key. In our system, each unix group has a separate home directory with 0750 permissions owned by root.group, therefore a user can access his home directory thanks to his group ownership. After installing OpenSSH 2.3.0p1 on this system we noticed that public key authentication only worked for root. After doing some debugging we noticed that "user_dsa_key_allowed" (in auth2.c) uses "temporarily_use_uid" to access files in the home directory of the target user, this means that sshd tries to access ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 as target_user.system (on AIX), not as target_user.group as it should, as the home directory parent can't be accessed with efective group "system", pubkey authentication silently fails. It seems that setting also the effective group id will solve this problem. It also would be nice to log the failed attempt to access to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2, because putting sshd in debug level 3 says nothing about te reason the user was not authenticated. Tanks for developing this great product. Best regards, Juanjo PS: Excuse my poor english. -- Juan Jose Villaplana Querol villapla at si.uji.es Computer Center University Jaume I Castellon (SPAIN)