I have a Sun X4140 running snv_134 as a Dom0 with a CentOS 4.8 (for Oracle
9i) and an Opensolaris DomU running on it with 4 NICs configured. I''m
experiencing the virtual NICs dropping on the host. The Dom0 NICs are up
and fine, and I am able to xm console into the DomU. The only metric that I
have which seem useful is that memory scan rate spiked from near-0 to 507
under a 5-min average before the VIFs drop. This happens once every 2-4
weeks and I have not correlated a pattern yet.
I have a second system configured the exact same way with the same issue.
To resolve the issue I shut the DomU down, and reboot the Dom0.
I don''t want to paste a bunch of system erroneous info - please let me
what is important and I can troubleshoot the issue.
-Paul Pasika
Catylist Network - System Administrator