In November 2005 the discussion on OggPCM2 died down before we got around to finalizing the channel map. I thought it would be a good time to resurrect the topic. The previous threads are at and . In draft 2 of the spec, there are two types of channel maps: a mapping header for the primary semantics of the channels, and a conversion header which e.g. allows multichannel files to be mixed down into stereo. The mapping header contains a channel type, for example "stereo", and physical-logical channel pairs, for instance "1st channel is interpreted as the left stereo channel". The logical channel names/constants are shared across channel types, which makes the channel type largely redundant. The conversion header is similar, except it contains a full physical times logical channels mixing matrix in addition to the channel type field. Earlier I suggested it would make sense to rephrase the document, so that the two map types would be interpreted simply as a simple and a complex version of a single header, and to allow an arbitrary number of each kind of header in decreasing preferential order, so that compatibility codings (like Dolby MP and Ambisonic UHJ) could be made to work. I also think there shouldn't be redundancy in the headers, which implies that the physical-logical pairs perhaps should be simplified into a list which gives the channel semantics either 1) per physical channel or 2) per logical channel. I suggested the latter because IMO it leaves the least room for nonsensical mappings, it makes it easy not to map a given physical channel, and it also uniquely fixes the sizes of the lists/matrices stored in the headers per map type. It doesn't allow mixed system operation (like B-format plus a stereo pair), though. Also, the channel type probably ought to be normalized, either by dropping it and keeping with a common list of logical channel types (which would include channel types from all of the supported systems, like Dolby, Ambisonic, discrete multichannel and so on), or alternatively by defining the channel names by channel map type (i.e. only ambisonic logical channels would be defined for an ambisonic channel map). I suggested the latter, but again the former organization also has its merits for mixed system operation in the absence of Ogg multiplexing. Finally, one open point about the spec is whether the channel semantics ought to be defaulted in the absence of mapping headers. Defaulting would allow current, headerless OggPCM2 streams to be interpreted as mono, stereo and Ambisonic B-format, depending on the number of channels stored. After last time's discussion, I've come to think defaulting isn't such a good idea. If/when OggPCM2 is used e.g. inside the Ogg framework to carry sound data which doesn't possess an interpretation in terms of any of the common transfer formats, it should be possible to unambiguously say so. Also, formats like RIFF WAVE allow for generic, unmapped channels, so emulating their functionality calls for unmapped channels which would conflict with the defaults. So, if defaulting is used, I think the channel type list should include an undefined channel type for this purpose. The above are meant as discussion points. If we can develop a consensus this time, I'm willing to edit the document, dig up a representative list of channel types for the enumerations, put in some context about the different choices we've made, and so on. -- Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -, tel:+358-50-5756111 student/math+cs/helsinki university, openpgp: 050985C2/025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2