LVM2 isn't "itself" cluster ware. However, you can found out CLVMD
package "Provide by RHGFS as an exemple". In this case, you will be
able to "view" and play with LVM on cluster. Of course, you have to
put a cluster filesystem on LV to gain access to data.
Michael Aubertin.
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Received:12/09/06 15:22
From:Michael Lessard <michael.lessard@gmail.com>
Subject:[Ocfs-users] OCFS and LVM2
Hi Everyboy !
I read that LVM2 is not cluster aware (specially with OCFS2) from different
post on internet forum... If it's true, could someone could confirm this
information and point me where i can find this affirmation in documentation
I do some test with OCFS2 on LVM2 and it's seems to run correctly , so i
have some interrogation about this fact !
If it's true that LVM2 are not cluster aware, does anybody know how could i
run ocfs on technology who are offer similair fonctionnality of LVM2?
Thanks in advance !