It also could be a referenced EMC bug on Linux. Regarding to the OS version
(RHEL3) and the LVM usage or not, all LUN are not clearely presented to the host
via PowerPath. If this is your case, remove LVM or remove PowerPath or patch LVM
yourself but you will lose support.
Original message:
From:Sunil Mushran <Sunil.Mushran@oracle.com>
To:Andrew McCurdy <Andrew.McCurdy@oracle.com>
define.. unreadable.
Is the disk mounting? I assume not. What are the errors?
Also, is this snapshot writable? As in, can a process write to this
snapshot volume.
Considering we do heartbeat on the disk itself, wondering if that is the
cause of the
Andrew McCurdy wrote:> *Folks,
> Please reply to me directly as I'm not a member of this mailing list..
> Currently a customer has a 2 node Oracle cluster using OCFS for the
> data.*
> *The shared OCFS disk is being provided by and EMC CX storage solution.*
> *On the EMC CX we are creating a snaphot, Basic creating a full copy
> that is accessible as a new disk and presenting this disk to a 3rd
> server to allow the backup to be completed away from the production
> Oracle cluster.*
> *Issues we are having is when the snapshot (copy of original OCFS
> disk) is presented to the 3rd server the disk is unreadable. The 3rd
> server that is being used is Prospero3 which was used in the POC as
> the Oracle server and still has all the OCFS services installed and
> running. What is needed to be done to read a disk that has an OCFS
> file system.*
> many thanks
> Andrew McCurdy
>Ocfs-users mailing list
Ocfs-users mailing list
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