Nut upsuser - Mar 2020

Saturday March 28 2020
9:41PM 0 CentOS 8 w/gnome and NUT
3:51AM 2 CentOS 8 w/gnome and NUT
Thursday March 26 2020
3:00PM 0 [EXTERNAL] thoughts on tripp lite Smart Online UPSs?
12:59PM 0 thoughts on tripp lite Smart Online UPSs?
Wednesday March 25 2020
10:50PM 2 [EXTERNAL] thoughts on tripp lite Smart Online UPSs?
10:42PM 0 [EXTERNAL] thoughts on tripp lite Smart Online UPSs?
10:31PM 2 [EXTERNAL] thoughts on tripp lite Smart Online UPSs?
10:21PM 0 [EXTERNAL] thoughts on tripp lite Smart Online UPSs?
10:09PM 5 thoughts on tripp lite Smart Online UPSs?
Tuesday March 24 2020
6:02PM 0 upsmon SHUTDOWNCMD not working
3:24PM 2 upsmon SHUTDOWNCMD not working
Monday March 23 2020
11:04PM 0 USB drivers not found when compiling
3:08PM 0 USB drivers not found when compiling
1:43PM 5 USB drivers not found when compiling
7:45AM 0 USB drivers not found when compiling
1:25AM 0 USB drivers not found when compiling
12:50AM 5 USB drivers not found when compiling
Thursday March 19 2020
9:30PM 0 exec_cmd(/path/upssched-cmd event) returned 78
Wednesday March 18 2020
12:44AM 0 FW: Unable to use the TCP network interface
Tuesday March 17 2020
10:18AM 0 Nut OpenBSD
1:44AM 0 Unable to use the TCP network interface
Wednesday March 11 2020
8:18AM 1 Fwd: Windows upssched does not work
Tuesday March 10 2020
3:34PM 0 Fwd: Windows upssched does not work
1:48PM 2 Fwd: Windows upssched does not work
Saturday March 7 2020
5:53PM 0 NUT-Server will not start at boot with Cyberpower PR1500
5:38PM 2 NUT-Server will not start at boot with Cyberpower PR1500
3:50PM 0 NUT-Server will not start at boot with Cyberpower PR1500
3:43PM 0 Power Shield Defender 1200 - The Story Continues [HCL]
7:02AM 2 Power Shield Defender 1200 - The Story Continues
Friday March 6 2020
7:02PM 2 NUT-Server will not start at boot with Cyberpower PR1500