Arnaud Quette < at> va escriure (2011-02-28
> 2011/2/14 Ernest Sales <ersaloz at>
> > Arjen de Korte <nut+users at> va escriure:
> > > This is a known problem in nut-2.4.3 and should be solved in
> > > nut-2.6.0. We have also dropped the megatec and
> megatec_usb drivers,
> > > so it is probably a good idea to check out the newer release.
> > > If that
> > > version doesn't work for you, let us know.
> >
> > Will wait until nut-2.6 is avalailable as a debian package: I hardly
> > remember how it was like to compile from source.
> >
> FYI, I've uploaded 2.6.0-1 on Feb 22 (5 days ago) to Sid. It has been
> sync'ed with Ubuntu too.
> Depending on your exact dist, you should already be able to
> install it, or
> will have to wait a few more days...
> cheers,
> Arnaud
> --
Finally 2.6 reached debian testing, so I can confirm my UPS is working with nut,
now using the blazer_usb driver.
For the HCL's sake:
Low-end UPS sold in Spain under the IPAR brand, Mini Energy series, model ME
It apparently works well with the blazer_usb driver. Tested on power failure,
after exhausting batteries the system is gracefully
shut down.
upsc output:
battery.voltage: 13.80
battery.voltage.nominal: 12.0
beeper.status: enabled
device.type: ups blazer_usb
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: auto
driver.version: 2.6.0
driver.version.internal: 0.03
input.current.nominal: 0.0
input.frequency: 50.0
input.frequency.nominal: 50
input.voltage: 201.2
input.voltage.fault: 140.0
input.voltage.nominal: 220
output.voltage: 231.8
ups.delay.shutdown: 30
ups.delay.start: 180
ups.firmware: TR00061J
ups.load: 19
ups.productid: 0000
ups.status: OL BOOST
ups.temperature: 30.0
ups.type: offline / line interactive
ups.vendorid: ffff
The device does not seem very responsive to the beeper.toggle command, only
honors it while executing a battery test, but I could
not do extensive testing.
Best regards,