On 28/11/2010, at 03.36, James wrote:
> On 11/22/10 05:42, Jon Bendtsen wrote:
>> On 22/11/2010, at 02.26, James wrote:
>>> I have two UPSs, one is not connected to a computer.
>>> I am looking for a gadget that I can plug in to the other one so I
>>> see the time remaining without a computer.
>> That would be network UPS tools, get it from
http://www.networkupstools.org/ ;-)
>> Oh, and be sure to get the right UPS, because not all UPSes show the
>> I have a guru plug server plus connected to the Microdowell BP500 UPS
in the attachment, the UPS showing no Battery runtime. The other UPS is a APC
Smart-UPS 1500 and in my old debian sta(b)le installation running Network UPS
Tools upsstats 2.0.4 there was no information about battery runtime, but see the
>> JonB
> Without a computer. :-)
The guru plug is almost not a computer, but rather an appliance.
Some UPSes has a network port to tell this information, but basically it is just
a build in computer.
Personally I dream of this standard:
Primary goals:
UPS(s) and Server(s) automatically talk together with no need for configuration
using just 1 cable, the power cable, without the need for new special power
UPS(s) can start Server(s) in some (on server) configurable order such that the
upstart do not pull too much power
Server(s) with X power supplies connected to Y different UPS(s) will
automatically know the state of all UPS(s) using just the power cable without
spilling information over from one failed UPS connected to 1 or more power
supplies to all the other UPS(s) connected to another power supply in the same
Secondary goals:
Server(s) can tell the UPS how much load they would likely draw as a maximum
UPS(s) can stop powering on servers if the load is too high
Server(s) can refuse to start if the UPS(s) load is too high
Technical implementation idea:
ethernet over power cables - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeplug
8 bit 0-255 levels you can assign on each server in the bios or similar
0 means start as soon as there is power, regardless of what the UPS(s) say
1 means start once the UPS(s) send out "level 1 start now"
once the UPS sends out "level 255 start now" any level servers on a
level below 255 may start now
(yet unknown what happens when server connected to 2 UPSs receives different
level information)
(yet unknown if each power supply should have its own level, or it is for the
entire server)
Servers when plugged in may send out their level and ask "level Y,
permission to start?" UPS(s) should answer (yet unknown what happens when 2
or more UPSs answer differently)
Servers should always honor when an human presses the power On button.
UPS(s) should regularly broadcast their state and existence over the
"network" such that servers can get information from that.
Server(s) should listen for broadcasts and note when the UPS(s) stop giving out
information on a regularly interval
All information in the network should optionally be cryptographically signed to
be able to trust the source.