I am running an older version of nut (2.0.2) on a FreeBSD 4.11 machine. This has been running fine for many months until the last few weeks. It seems that several times a week the machine is shutting itself down. Looking at the log files I notice these lines which lead me to think there is something wrong with the serial communication betwen my host and the Ellipse 600 UPS. Jan 5 04:49:02 bng-sb-clk upsmon[207]: Poll UPS [clkups at localhost] failed - Data stale Jan 5 04:49:37 bng-sb-clk last message repeated 7 times Jan 5 04:50:52 bng-sb-clk last message repeated 15 times Jan 5 04:50:52 bng-sb-clk upsd[202]: UPS [clkups] data is no longer stale Jan 5 04:51:13 bng-sb-clk upsd[202]: Data for UPS [clkups] is stale - check driver Jan 5 04:51:17 bng-sb-clk upsmon[207]: Poll UPS [clkups at localhost] failed - Data stale Jan 5 04:51:32 bng-sb-clk last message repeated 3 times Jan 5 04:51:32 bng-sb-clk upsmon[207]: Executing automatic power-fail shutdown Jan 5 04:51:33 bng-sb-clk shutdown: halt by root: Jan 5 04:51:36 bng-sb-clk clock: X98nut running now Jan 5 04:51:36 bng-sb-clk clock: Checking POWERDOWN log file Jan 5 04:51:36 bng-sb-clk clock: Shutdown due to Power outage Breaking the problem into 2: 1. Why are there so many failed - Data stale errors. Whenever I manually do a 'upsc' I always receive a valid response. 2. How can I control what warnings trigger a shutdown. Can I disable the shutdown on a stale data error. I am aware of the side effects but a running system is still better than an incorrect cleanly shutdown system. -- Daryl Sayers Direct: +612 95525510 Corinthian Engineering Office: +612 95525500 Suite 54, Jones Bay Wharf Fax: +612 95525549 26-32 Pirrama Rd email: daryl at ci.com.au Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia www: ci.com.au
Arjen de Korte
2010-Jan-06 07:30 UTC
[Nut-upsuser] Shutdowns occuring without power outage.
Citeren Daryl Sayers <daryl op ci.com.au>:> I am running an older version of nut (2.0.2) on a FreeBSD 4.11 machine.Please upgrade to a more recent version. The one you're using now is well over five years old and is no longer supported. [...]> 1. Why are there so many failed - Data stale errors. Whenever I manually do a > 'upsc' I always receive a valid response.Most likely because there was a problem with the communication with the driver socket. There was an error in the staleness logic in older versions of the 'upsd' server, which caused it to declare the driver stale after the first failure. Upgrade.> 2. How can I control what warnings trigger a shutdown. Can I disable the > shutdown on a stale data error. I am aware of the side effects but a > running system is still better than an incorrect cleanly shutdown system.No. NUT errs on the side of caution. If the UPS is known to be on battery and there is a communication problem with the driver socket, the system shuts down. You can't (and shouldn't change) that. Best regards, Arjen -- Please keep list traffic on the list