OK, thanks for forwarding it.
1. OK. I'll happily provide any debug info or compile any code you
might need on my system. I can't send you my 1500XL, but I can make my
system pretty available.
2. NUT 2.2.2-6.2 I'm not sure how to look up any extensions, unless
you need me to look up the versions of libc6, libupsclient1,libusb, etc.
The only other package I am running other than NUT (and of course its
dependencies) is knutclient 0.9.4-1
3. Permanently. That's why I had to write the script.
4. What Windows shows is correct. It's really not hard to know a
fully charged 24VDC battery pack should not read as 16V, and as I said, a
voltmeter confirms the reported values are incorrect. Irrespective of what
Windows does, the Linux driver should report correct values.
5. Here are the results of the upsc comand:
RAID-Server:/RAID/Recordings# upsc -L RAID-Server
RAID-Server: TrippLite OmniSV 1500XL
RAID-Server:/RAID/Recordings# upsc Raid-Server
battery.charge: 100
battery.voltage: 14.50
battery.voltage.nominal: 24
driver.name: tripplite_usb
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: /dev/usb
driver.version: 2.2.2
driver.version.internal: 0.11
input.voltage: 113.37
input.voltage.nominal: 120
output.voltage: 114.0
ups.debug.load_banks: 0
ups.debug.V: 31 30 34 30 58 58 0d '1040XX.'
ups.delay.shutdown: 64
ups.firmware: F2211.A
ups.firmware.aux: protocol 2001
ups.mfr: Tripp Lite
ups.model: UPS
ups.power.nominal: 1500
ups.status: OL
I've included a snippet from the syslog (remember, the script checks for
tripplite_usb in memory every 5 seconds and runs "/etc/init.d/nut
start" if
it is not in memory.
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Lepple [mailto:clepple at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 10:41 PM
To: lrhorer at satx.rr.com
Cc: faith at alephnull.com; nicholas at kain.us; NUT List
Subject: Re: Tripplite UPS
This message is most appropriate for the NUT user list. I kept Rik
Faith's and Nicholas Kain's copyright information because the
tripplite_usb driver borrows heavily from the tripplite (serial)
driver, but they are not responsible for the mess that I made in the
USB driver.
See below.
On Dec 28, 2008, at 5:28 PM, Lelsie Rhorer wrote:
> Gentlemen,
> I am running a Tripp Lite OMNISV1500XL
Support for the 1500XL is a fluke - I did not have that unit
available for testing.
> under NUT using the tripplite_usb driver on a Debian "Lenny"
> system. The platform is an AMD Athlon 64 x 2 processor running
> kernel 2.6.26. The driver is up and running, but there are several
> issues.
One important version missing from this list is the NUT package
version (including any Debian-specific version extensions).
> First, the system drops communications with the UPS
> regularly - typically 2 or three times an hour.
Temporarily or permanently? Usually, the driver reconnects fairly
> I've worked around this by running a script which checks every
> few seconds to make sure the UPS driver is on-line, and if not
> restarts NUT. I do not observe this behavior when I boot Windows
> XP Pro 64 on the system.
Since we don't currently ship NUT for Windows XP, and because Tripp-
Lite does not (to my knowledge) publish source code for their USB-
based monitoring software, there is naturally going to be a gap
between what NUT shows, and what you see in XP.
> Secondly, the reported voltages are all incorrect. I
> measured them with an accurate voltmeter, and the Input Voltage is
> typically around 120V, the Output Voltage is 122V, and the Battery
> Voltage at full charge is 26V. Running under Windows, the system
> confirms these values. Under the Linux driver, however, the system
> is reporting an Input Voltage of around 113V, an Output Voltage of
> 114V, and a fully charged Battery Voltage of 14.6V.
What does 'upsc' return?
Charles Lepple
clepple at gmail
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