Hi Olleg,
2007/5/16, Olleg Samoylov <olleg_s at mail.ru>:> Hi
> I have Pulsar 1000 (MGE) and mge-shut 2.0.5-3.
> By default mge-shut don;t reboot ups after upsmoc -c fsd, only permanent
> powerdown.
> After I add ondelay=30 in config, all nice, ups restarted after 10 sec.
> But according man mge-shut ondelay measured in tens of seconds and by
> default equal 3.
there's a bug in mge-shut: It assumes the 10 sec. multiplier, which is
not always true.
thus 3 can means 3 sec or 30 sec.
An important note that confused people (I'll add this to the manpage):
ondelay and offdelay are both timers started at the same time, ie upon
power failure.
let say you have offdelay=20 and ondelay=3 (for 30 sec). when the UPS
will shutoff, 20 sec later, ondelay will be left 10 sec. When the UPS
powers up (after a power restoration), the timer will continue, and
the outlets will be powered up 10 sec later... QED
the multiplier point, along with some others, led me to rewrite
mge-shut. Something is available in the development tree, though this
is an incomplete work...
I will also see how the others devices supported by newhidups behave
(since newmge-shut uses the same core as newhidups) to fix the above
Since this is my very last mail before going on a week of holidays,
I've cc'ed myself for the recall.
Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/