2007/1/16, Ingo Schaefer <ingo@ingo-schaefer.de>:> Hello all,
Hi Ingo,
> I wonder if the improvements to a driver called "newmge-shut"
which have
> been mentioned in October 06 got it to the 2.0.5 release?
> I tried my setup again with this release and still get this
> "communication lost -> established -> lost ->
established" cycle.
> USB was not working because of the Solaris 8 installation.
The newmge-shut driver is still in early stage.
It has entered the stable tree through the trunk backport, and I've
let it there for the moment.
The first point is that is now use the same code as newhidups, which
will lower maintainance and code duplication.
The only difference with newhidups is that instead of routing on the
USB bus, we do it on a serial line.
So improvement will be seen soon, since there are mechanisms such as
data report caching, differential polling, ... that comes with this
But newmge-shut still miss the interrupt handling, and the set report
(needed for upsrw, and the shutoff (UPS shutdown)).
If you're interested in, I can contact you back when things is more
Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - networkupstools.org
Debian Developer - people.debian.org/~aquette
OpenSource Developer - arnaud.quette.free.fr