Luis Lavena
2006-Nov-30 17:17 UTC
[Mongrel] [ANN] Mongrel Service 0.3.1, basic process monitoring
Hello Folks, I tried create a valid gem repository under windows without luck (rubygems show problem with CRLF/LF line endings between *nix and windows). Anyway, I''ve uploaded a new gem to my webpage: Whats new? Beside the things added in previous announcement [1], this version add basic process monitoring. What that means? If for some reason the mongrel process (also a ruby process) suddenly dies (maybe a runtime error), the service will automatically re-create a new process. So, in intervals of 5 seconds, if your process die, it will be recreated. That will reduce the uptime problems of your applications, right? Later this weekend will add the cluster capability, so Windows no longer envy users running *nix or OSX ;-) Oh, BTW, if you don''t want to add a service in windows, you could "simulate" it using console command: mongrel_service console single -c "c:/path/to/my/rails/app" -p 4000 -e production Please, all the folks on Windows environment try the latest build of the gem and report problems (if any was found). Regards, -- Luis Lavena Multimedia systems - Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile. Vince Lombardi [1]
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