I posted this on Rick''s Beast forum but got zilch so I am gonna try it here: Ok, I have been fiddling with this trying to integrate it into my app. I believe I?m just having a bit of trouble with the last part? In the example, the upload action doesn?t really return, it renders some ?text?, that basically then invokes a ?cleanup? method on the JavaScript. Well, I want to do a few of my own things when the action finishes so I was thinking, RJS? Well, I?m having trouble. Basically, the JavaScript is being rendered as text in the iFrame (Safari 2.0). I have this code at the end of my upload action: render :update do |page| page << "window.parent.UploadProgress.finish();" page.insert_html :before, ''file_upload_box'', :partial => ''/collection/file_item'', :locals => {:file_item => @new_pd_file} page.visual_effect :fade, "file_item#{@new_pd_file.id}" end The idea is that it calls the JavaScript finish and then it inserts a new TR in my table, showing the item that was just uploaded. Instead I just see the rendered JavaScript in the iFrame. Any ideas why this isn?t working? What am I doing wrong?