I noticed the markdown used for
http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/had this:
Discussion List <a id="discussion-list" />
It seems to be a way to associate id's or classes with markdown elements.
Is this a standard "best practices"?
I've gone a different direction in my use of MD. I have a trivial jQuery
stunt that looks for class=markdown, and uses the id-name + ".md", to
identify a file. So if my page HTML has:
<div id="body" class="markdown"> </div>
<div id="footer" class="markdown"> </div>
.. the jQuery function inserts body.md and footer.md, translated to HTML
via js-markdown-extra.js (on GitHub), into the innerHTML of the divs.
Here's an example: http://backspaces.net/temp/mdtest/mdtest.html If you
View Source, you'll see the jQuery conversions.
I rather like avoiding a "compile" step so use the MD as the page
with js-markdown-extra doing the conversion. It also lets the class=foo &
id=foo be outside of markup stunts.
I hope this is not too noob! .. but if best practices include including
HTML like the <a> above, I'd like to understand it a bit better.
-- Owen
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