search for: stunts

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 75 matches for "stunts".

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2007 Mar 19
Voip Stunt not working
Hello everyone! I am using wine 0.9.30 with openSUSE 10.2 I've tried to install and run VoipStunt, and program installs with no error, but fails to start with the following output: dodo@Locutus:~> wine "C:\Program Files\\VoipStunt \VoipStunt.exe" preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000 err:module:import_dll Library gdiplus.dll (which is needed
2002 Jul 24
(slightly OT) anyone knows a web site with 'cool stunts' you could do with PolEdit?
see subject... -- Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verst??t gegen ?1 UWG und ?823 I BGB (Beschlu? des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der ?bermittelten pers?nlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdr?cklich untersagt!
2015 Jul 30
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Road map for CMake
On 30 July 2015 at 16:59, Chris Bieneman <beanz at> wrote: > So hopefully, yes it will be deprecated before the 3.8 branch and hopefully we can remove it > after the 3.8 release. That's a stunt I want to see happening! Clearly worth a nice bottle of wine in the next EuroLLVM. :D My question is: today we still use autoconf (config.guess) with CMake to pick the correct
2011 Jul 22
how to disable fullscreen mode in games?
Generally I use Wine to play games. But some of them can freeze my pc during closing game, so I can only reboot my PC. I dlike to ask how to disable full screen mode in games? I tried use command: Code: wine game.exe -w or Code: wine game.exe -window but it doesn't work I tried also use virtual desktop, but it look like this: [Image: ]
2012 Jul 18
Links in DF's Markdown?
... If you View Source, you'll see the jQuery conversions. I rather like avoiding a "compile" step so use the MD as the page source, with js-markdown-extra doing the conversion. It also lets the class=foo & id=foo be outside of markup stunts. I hope this is not too noob! .. but if best practices include including HTML like the <a> above, I'd like to understand it a bit better. -- Owen -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <
2016 Mar 22
Changes to get CD to boot on EFI System.
Hi, On 22/03/2016 22:03, Thomas Schmitt via Syslinux wrote: ... > Didier Spaier wrote: ... >> There is also goofiboot (fork of gummiboot) and even efi-stub > > Do you know an example of them booting out of an ISO ? > > It would be helpful for a neutral description in the isohybrid wiki > if it was not only GRUB2 that can be shown as tested. Yes, Solus ISOs. They are
2007 Oct 19
[LLVMdev] OCaml Install Error
Hi, this looks very promising. Do you have any plans to add bindings for the use of an ExecutionEngine, especially recompileAndRelinkFunction? I've build an interactive toplevel implemented in OCaml and I have to pull of some stunts to be able to change the definition of a function. (emit a .ll file containing the code, looking up the function and calling removeBody, then reading the .ll file back in using ParseAssemblyString). I noticed that functions are represented as an llvalue which makes turning it into a Functio...
2010 Jun 12
XCP Xen Cloud Control System schedule
Greetings all! At the end of this next week, I''ll be releasing VM import and export support for XCCS as well as a significant chunk of networking support, including a few goodies to work with XCP''s openvswitch (XCCS 0.3.2). As well, load balancer 0.4.1 will be available. 0.4.1 considers CPU load as well as memory load in balancing the cloud. Multitenant support and
2005 Feb 04
No ring tone on Outgoing calls
Hi there i have some problems with some clients of my asterisk box, i have some cases when a client tried to make a call and there is no ring back only a silence and then the call hung up. I dont know why this is happening. I have the following stable asterisk version: CVS-v1-0-01/18/05-19:49:31 I did the an update a few days ago, the version that i had installed before was:
2012 Oct 12
party for prediction [REPOST]
Apologies for re-posting, my original message seems to have been overlooked by the moderators. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ed <icelus2k5 at> Date: 11 October 2012 19:03 Subject: party for prediction To: R-help at Hi there I'm experiencing some problems using the party package (specifically mob) for prediction. I have a real scalar y I want to
2006 Dec 18
Interesting article about punching holes in firewalls...
I ran across an interesting article ( (1) that I think any and all firewall administrators should take a few moments to read. I personally have known that using "-m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED" was not the most secure thing to use for returning traffic. Namely this will allow you to make a valid connection to a web server,
2007 Oct 02
[LLVMdev] OCaml Install Error
On 2007-10-02, at 10:46, Jan Rehders wrote: > where can I read more about this? I assume (hope) the lib provides > some kind of OCaml bindings? I could not find any trace of it in > the 2.1 release source so I guess it's currently SVN only? Jan, Here's a trivial example. $ cat (* *) open Llvm open Llvm_bitwriter let _ = let filename
2006 Feb 01
Difficulty with qqline in logarithmic context
Hi, R friends. I had some difficulty with the following code: qqnorm(freq, log='y') qqline(freq) as the line drawn was seemingly random. The exact data I used appears below. After wandering a bit within the source code for "abline", I figured out I should rather write: qqnorm(freq, log='y') par(ylog=FALSE) qqline(log10(freq)) par(ylog=TRUE)
2014 May 23
[RFC] drm/nouveau: disable caching for VRAM BOs on ARM
...nts that do not make sense for UMA devices (like in the current case, accessing VRAM objects through the BAR). I am currently contemplating the idea of writing an alternative non-TTM implementation of nouveau_bo for UMA devices, that would (hopefully) be much simpler and would spare us a lot of stunts. On the other hand, this sounds like a considerable work and I would like to make sure that my lack of understanding of TTM is not driving me to the wrong solution. Thoughts? Thanks, Alex.
2016 Mar 22
Changes to get CD to boot on EFI System.
Hi, Geert Stappers wrote: > Don't tell it can't be done to those actually doing it So you know how to boot from CD via EFI by SYSLINUX software ? (Without putting a whole Linux into the boot image file, that is.) Can you share the URL of such an ISO ? Didier Spaier wrote: > >> There is also goofiboot (fork of gummiboot) and even efi-stub i wrote: > > Do you know an
2006 Feb 14
[REQUIREMENTS] Macromedia Flash View for Rails Controller
Hi I know there is no real requirements tag but I was unsure what to label this message, please don''t flame me :-). I am using the Javascript Integration Kit with Macromedia Flash to make a local connection to the rendered Rails view. I am then using Flash to render my page components (sort of like you do with Lazlo or Flex etc.) though Javascript acts as a proxy for me. Ideally I would
1997 Nov 21
R-beta: [WIN95] Running R from the shell
Is it possible to run R soley from the shell? I'm evaluating necessary fixes to R and XLispStat (and eventually SAS and S-PLUS 4) for running as subprocesses to Emacs (NTEmacs) for ESS. Currently, I lose control of R when running via Emacs; is it possible to "remove" the windows? (all, or all but the graphics window)? best, -- -tony (Anthony Rossini) Statistics
2006 Aug 16
Success story: updating LG DVD firmware using Wine
Hello, I have an LG GSA-4163B drive. Recently I had many problems with the drive not recognizing correct writing speed, and locking up hard on many DVD-RW media. When I bought the drive, the latest firmware was at version A100, and it was available bundled with a DOS flasher. Unfortunately LG dropped DOS support, and now all the firmware updates are Windows only. As the drive was barely usable
2012 Oct 11
party for prediction
Hi there I'm experiencing some problems using the party package (specifically mob) for prediction. I have a real scalar y I want to predict from a real valued vector x and an integral vector z. mob seemed the ideal choice from the documentation. The first problem I had was at some nodes in a partitioning tree, the components of x may be extremely highly correlated or effectively constant
2008 Mar 07
Piping logs to rotatelog
Mongrel clusters lets yuo pick a path to your logs with the "-l " switch. I tried giving a pathc that contains the rotatelogs like -l |/usr/sbin/rotatelogs /var/log/mongrel.log 3600" And it just gave me error. So I rolledup my sleeves and dig into: 1) /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel_cluster-1.0.5/lib/mongrel_cluster/init.rb 2)