I have some empty space for more lightening talks at the LLVM Developers’ Meeting. These talks are 5 minutes total and are presented in series. The only hard criteria is that it should be related to LLVM or subproject (Clang, LLDB, etc). Please send me an email (ASAP) with the following: 1) Talk Title 2) Your name and affiliation. 3) 1-2 sentences about what your talk is. Thanks, Tanya
Apparently Analagous Threads
- [LLVMdev] LLVM Developers' Meeting - Call for "Papers" deadline reminder!
- [LLVMdev] LLVM Developers' Meeting - Registration & Call for "Papers"
- [LLVMdev] Lightning Talks - Presenters Needed!
- [LLVMdev] Deadline TODAY (well, lets make it Wed): LLVM Developers' Meeting: Call for Talks, Posters, & BoFs
- [LLVMdev] LLVM Developers' Meeting: Call for Talks, Posters, & BoFs