Committed in revision 89339.
I believe your going to need to make a patch for LV2 in
autoconf/ also and then regenerate configure.
Many Thanks,
Edward O'Callaghan.
2009/11/18 John Thompson <john.thompson.jtsoftware at>:> Hi,
> I'm doing some preliminary work to get Clang to compile for PS3
targets. As
> an intermediate step in that direction, could someone do me the favor of
> reviewing and submitting the enclosed patch, or giving me feedback on it?
> Basically, I need to be able to differentiate the triple for a PS3 target.
> These are the triples currently used in the gcc-based compiler from the PS3
> devkit:
> ppu-unknown-lv2
> spu-unknown-lv2
> "ppu" is an alias for the existing ppc64 architecture (though in
the future
> there might need to be some specialization), "spu" is already an
alias for
> cellspu, and "lv2" is the alias for a new Lv2 type, refering to
the name
> used for the PS3 OS.
> Thanks.
> -John
> --
> John Thompson
> John.Thompson.JTSoftware at
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Edward O'Callaghan
eocallaghan at auroraux dot org