An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted mail in future. See for more details. Content preview: rand LATEST BREAKTHROUGH - NEWS FLASH The BAD News: As you Age your body produces less hormones causing you to look older, feel older and be weaker! [...] Content analysis details: (6.10 points, 5 required) TO_ADDRESS_EQ_REAL (0.6 points) To: repeats address as real name HGH (0.5 points) BODY: Human Growth Hormone HTML_LINK_CLICK_HERE (0.1 points) BODY: HTML link text says "click here" HTML_60_70 (0.5 points) BODY: Message is 60% to 70% HTML HTML_FONT_COLOR_RED (0.1 points) BODY: HTML font color is red HTML_MESSAGE (0.1 points) BODY: HTML included in message HTML_FONT_COLOR_NAME (0.4 points) BODY: HTML font color has unusual name HTML_FONT_BIG (0.2 points) BODY: FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up HTML_FONT_COLOR_BLUE (0.1 points) BODY: HTML font color is blue BASE64_ENC_TEXT (2.4 points) RAW: Message text disguised using base-64 encoding MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA_3 (0.5 points) 'Message-Id' was added by a relay (3) CLICK_BELOW (0.5 points) Asks you to click below MIME_HTML_ONLY (0.1 points) Message only has text/html MIME parts
An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted mail in future. See for more details. Content preview: rand LATEST BREAKTHROUGH - NEWS FLASH The BAD News: As you Age your body produces less hormones causing you to look older, feel older and be weaker! [...] Content analysis details: (6.10 points, 5 required) TO_ADDRESS_EQ_REAL (0.6 points) To: repeats address as real name HGH (0.5 points) BODY: Human Growth Hormone HTML_LINK_CLICK_HERE (0.1 points) BODY: HTML link text says "click here" HTML_60_70 (0.5 points) BODY: Message is 60% to 70% HTML HTML_FONT_COLOR_RED (0.1 points) BODY: HTML font color is red HTML_MESSAGE (0.1 points) BODY: HTML included in message HTML_FONT_COLOR_NAME (0.4 points) BODY: HTML font color has unusual name HTML_FONT_BIG (0.2 points) BODY: FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up HTML_FONT_COLOR_BLUE (0.1 points) BODY: HTML font color is blue BASE64_ENC_TEXT (2.4 points) RAW: Message text disguised using base-64 encoding MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA_3 (0.5 points) 'Message-Id' was added by a relay (3) CLICK_BELOW (0.5 points) Asks you to click below MIME_HTML_ONLY (0.1 points) Message only has text/html MIME parts