On 02/13/2013 04:17 AM, Davide Guerri wrote:> Hi all,
> it's possible to change/add the QoS settings for a running domain?
> I edited the domain definition with virsh but it seems to have no effect
until I shut down the domain.
You are correct that 'virsh edit' only affects the next boot of a guest;
to change parameters on the fly, you have to use hotplug commands.
Which particular QoS settings in the XML are you trying to change, so I
can point out which virsh command is the hotplug for that setting? For
example, 'virsh memtune' can be used to hotplug in new values for the
<memtune> XML element.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org
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