Hi all,
I previously mailed this list explaining that I been given the task
of implementing a dynamic traffic shaping scheme on an existing
network. I was looking for guidance on how I should approach this but
unfortunately I was unable to provide much information about the
existing traffic shaping system.
I have recently obtained the existing tc scripts though and was
hoping someone could help me identify what scheme is in place...I was
thinking it is HTB but as Im really new to this whole area, I thought
someone could confirm/clear this up for me. Anyhow I have included
some of the script below with the IP addresses represented by
Again thank you in advance and any help would be appreciated,
# use add_bucket() to add the buckets and add_ip() to add filters for
the hosts
# add_ip_range DEVICE IP MASK BUCKET
# top level buckets
add_bucket br0 10 - 4096 4096
add_bucket eth2 10 - 4096 4096
add_bucket eth3 10 - 2048 2048
add_bucket eth2 9 10 64 2500
add_bucket eth2 8 10 64 512
add_bucket eth2 7 10 64 1024
# Part 1 WAN
# ------
# Note that Everything else has to match all addresses as the Dest
# address in each outgoing packet could be anything.
# Add src after x.x.x.x address to limit upload speed
add_bucket br0 11 10 64 512
add_ip br0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 11 src #
add_ip br0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 11 src #
add_bucket br0 12 10 64 4096
add_ip br0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 12 #
add_ip br0 12 #Everything Else
# Part 2 PAN
# ------
# Note that Everything else has to match all addresses as the Dest
# address in each outgoing packet could be anything.
add_bucket eth3 11 10 64 2048
add_ip eth3 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 11 # S1
add_ip eth3 11 #Everything Else
# Part 3
# ------
# Users on LAN side. Each needs to be assigned an individual bucket,
so that
# all processes are treated from a single source.
# 3 sub-buckets below eth2
# 11 - Buc 10-11
# 12 - Buc 10-12
# 13 - Buc 10-13
add_bucket eth2 11 9 64 2500
add_bucket eth2 12 9 64 2500
add_bucket eth2 13 9 64 2000
add_bucket eth2 14 9 64 256
add_bucket eth2 15 9 64 256
# Let''s just focus under bucket 12 for now.
# 21 - Buc 10-12-21
# 22 - Buc 10-12-22
# 33 - Buc 10-12-23
add_bucket eth2 21 11 64 2500
add_bucket eth2 22 12 64 2500
add_bucket eth2 23 13 64 2000
add_bucket eth2 80 23 64 512 #..
add_bucket eth2 81 23 64 512 #..
add_bucket eth2 82 23 64 512 #..
add_bucket eth2 83 23 64 512 #..
add_bucket eth2 84 23 64 512 #..
add_bucket eth2 85 23 64 512 #..
add_bucket eth2 86 23 64 512 #.
# a bucket and ip address below eth2 (10)
add_bucket eth2 51 23 64 512 # 1
add_ip eth2 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 51
# a bucket and ip address below eth2 (10)
add_bucket eth2 52 23 64
add_ip eth2 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 52
add_bucket eth2 53 23 64 512
add_ip eth2 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 53
add_bucket eth2 54 23 64 512
add_ip eth2 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 54
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