> I have tried it on kazaa and e-donkey connections.
> Unfortunately, I am interesting in limiting kazaa traffic, which
> this modules seems not to work right with it. (Kazza traffic is
> not identified most of the cases....).
KaZaA is kind of tricky as it uses encrypted/compressed data for some
operations so we cannot completly identify it. This affects connecting,
searching and supernode traffic.
> Has anyone tried this kazza bandwidth control???
We can detect file downloads so far but if they changed the transfer
protocol that downloads are possible again (try -m ipp2p --kazaa -j DROP and
see if you can download something) please let me know. During our tests it
worked pretty well for those file transfers.
PS: IPP2P v0.6.1 has just been released and patch-o-matic-ng will be
(hopefully soon) updated soon. It offers WinMX matching support. Patches
against latest pom-ng snapshot are available on demand. Any feedback on
--winmx is highly appreciated!
Kind regards,
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