On Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 10:39:11AM +0200, miller69@gmx.net
wrote:>I''m currently looking for a QoS extension that allows to limit the
>rate to a given value. As I''m using HTB at the moment bandwidth
limiting works
>pretty well but packet rate limiting would be superb.
>I do traffic shaping on a firewalling bridge (2.4.21) using iptables mark
>and HTB. Any suggestions would be appriciated!
You can limit packet rate with iptables and module limit
But this solution is very bad for CPU
Best regard, Aleksander Trotsai aka MAGE-RIPE aka MAGE-UANIC
My PGP key at ftp://blackhole.adamant.ua/pgp/trotsai.key[.asc]
Big trouble - Fiber optics caused gas main leak
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