2014-Feb-13 23:00 UTC
[Gluster-users] different ssl file paths on a per volume basis
Hello list, I have been successful in getting ssl working following this brief writeup by Jeff Darcy: Thanks Jeff. However, on my nodes I will have multiple volumes. I would like to be able to restrict access to each volume only to the clients that should have access to them. Looking through the source a bit it looks like I need to change the values: DEFAULT_CERT_PATH, DEFAULT_CA_PATH, and DEFAULT_KEY_PATH. According to Jeff's write up the location can be changed one of two ways: "These locations can be changed in your volfiles or from the "glusterfs" command line (--xlator-option transport.socket...) but not from the "gluster" CLI." Could someone give me an example on how to do that via the glusterfs command line for a particular volume? I am using gluster 3.4.2 and created a volume like so: gluster volume create testvol1 replica 2 transport tcp If there's any more info you need just let me know. Thank you,