Hi, I'm currently see to choose different file system (GlusterFS is in my top list ^^ ) , and I need further informations. - If I got a cluster with for exemple 10 servers (with AFR on server side) and I want to add 1 more server in the cluster, do I have to stop all server, reconfigure the volfile of each server and restart them or I just have to configure the server that I'm adding and the rest will make it by itself ? If "add on the fly" is not possible, when will it comes with the next release ? -If I got 10 servers, and I want a replication of those Servers, do I have manually specify wich server is replicated wich one ? -Is GlusterFS compatible with an LDAP and Active Directory authentication ? - Do you have partner that provide your solution ? Thx for taking into consideration my questions Anthony Garnier DTI/DPV/DCPS/RSH/ACCE PSA Peugeot Citro?n IT center, 90160 Bessoncourt, France _________________________________________________________________ Nouveau ! Tout Windows d?barque dans votre t?l?phone. Voir les Windows phone http://clk.atdmt.com/FRM/go/175819071/direct/01/