answer inline...
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Mag Gam<magawake at>
wrote:> I am trying to setup gluster 2.0 and I am a new user.
> Basically, I been trying to follow the tutorials but I am having no luck.
> My setup is 2 servers and 10 clients for now.
> Couple of questions:
> On the client, do I have to have FUSE module?
If you want to mount the filesystem, you need to use FUSE. You can
also nfs mount it if you setup a unfs server on another client and
share the gluster mount.
> Do I have to run all this as root?
yes to mount the filesystem
> How can I check what clients are mounted on the server side?
Not really an easy way to do it, however i use... (in linux)
netstat -pan | grep EST | grep gluster_listen_port
> How can I check weather I can talk to the server via gluster tools
> (not ping :-)?
Try telneting to the gluster_listen_port - if it answers its up.